September 16, 2020 12 min read

In this article

    In this article:

    • What is CBD exactly?
    • Different forms of CBD products & recommended dosage
    • Health Benefits of CBD
    • CBD & Ashwagandha (KSM-66)
    • CBD & L-Theanine
    • CBD, Curcumin, & Boswellia
    • CBD &St. John’s Wort
    • CBD, Glucosamine, & Chondroitin Sulphate
    • CBD & Collagen

    CBD may remain a bit mysterious to some, but its place in the wellness world remains fully intact and growing by the day. While CBD can trigger a degree of confusion and controversy among some, its beneficial effects in many areas of your health from enhanced mood to pain management are largely undisputed. But did you know that when CBD is combined with other supplements it becomes even more powerful? Let’s take a peek at what works best with this revolutionary supplement.  

    The answer is simple: why settle for the benefits of only one supplement, when you’re able to create a custom combination and watch as these positive effects multiply? We understand that you may be worried about supplement interactions and possible side-effects, and we’re aware this can be quite confusing. That’s why we’ve decided to save you the trouble of going from aisle to aisle trying to come up with a perfect mix. We’ve already selected the most advantageous candidates to pair up with CBD for the best results.

    CBD: Definition, Forms & Benefits

    What is CBD?

    When it comes to the legal aspect of CBD use, medical, as well as recreational use of CBD is considered legal in the United States. All 50 states have legalized the use of CBD, the only difference between each is the parameters around its use. Even though the federal government still puts CBD in the same category as marijuana, and these products remain pending for FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval, CBD is by no means prohibited. Also, if there were still any doubt at this point, CBD will NOT get you high. Let’s say that again for mom. CBD does NOT make you high.

    However, people still take this liberty with a grain of salt, as they’re uncertain of the potentially harmful effects of particular Cannabis products. Therefore, we’ll start off by defining CBDin all its shapes and forms. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is only a fragment of a plant known as Cannabis. Therefore, it is a rather common misconception that the terms CBD and Cannabis are interchangeable. What’s more, Cannabis has yet another popular component, Tetrahydrocannabinol - better known simply as THC.

    Even though they’re derivatives of the same Cannabis plant, CBD and THC are diametrically different. CBD is a non-psychoactive substance, whereas THC does have a number of psychoactive effects. The common ground between the two, aside from origin, are also the numerous health benefits. Needless to say, CBD is the preferred alternative when it comes to medical benefits, as it offers all the positive effects of Cannabis without the mind-numbing activity. Thanks to its beneficial effect with little-to-no side effects, CBD is the main component of medical marijuana obtained directly from the hemp plant - the cousin of the marijuana plant. Moreover, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that there is no evidence of dependence or public health issues linked to the use of CBD.

    CBD Forms

    Nowadays, CBD is available in pretty much every shape and form you could imagine. Nevertheless, we wouldn’t recommend getting ahead of yourself and going for the most appealing or convenient option. When purchasing a supplement, certain quality factors should not be overlooked, including the credibility of the manufacturer, purity of ingredients, and of course -bioavailability.

    In case you prefer a more convenient, discreet option, you may choose to go for CBD oil, edibles, capsules, gummies, or perhaps tinctures. What’s particularly appealing about these CBD products is that they’re easy to use, convenient, and there is no damage to the lungs. Also, no one has to know you’re using them, as none of these products make it obvious. However, you should know that they do not offer a great deal of bioavailability, nor are they quick to take effect. In fact, products in this category have the onset time of 30-60 minutes, as opposed to smokables.

    While smokables (such as vapes) are generally fast-acting and their effects are obviously harmful to the lungs and aren’t recommended by health professionals (or us!). If you prefer to obtain the benefits of CBD without compromising your health in the long-term, avoid this form altogether.

    Topicals in the form of gels, balms, and lotions have been getting a lot of recognition recently. Many people prefer these products over the above forms, as they’re easy to incorporate into your daily routine, convenient, and versatile. With these topical forms, you’re able to target the desired area and treat it directly, without damaging your lungs or wasting the product through the digestive process. However, since they’re not orally consumed, topical products are slow to take effect, and their absorption rate is compromised by numerous factors, including hair growth and the concentration of the fatty tissue in the targeted area.

    Another option similar to topical treatments is the transdermal patch. Even though it produces the strongest and longest lasting effects due to its ability to release CBD straight into the bloodstream, it may take hours for the effects to be noticed. Yet another limitation of this option is the fact that the delivery may be jeopardized by the hair and fatty tissue in skin layers.

    What is the recommended dosage of CBD?

    When it comes to determining the dosage of any supplement, it is our recommendation to consult with your healthcare provider and adjust it to your own personal needs. The amount of CBD you can or should be taking depends on various factors, including your existing health issues, body weight, as well as the concentration of CBD in the chosen formula. What’s more, you could already be taking medication that contains CBD is a certain dose, which is yet another topic to discuss with your doctor.

    In case there isn’t a specific recommendation made by your doctor, we advise that you start with small doses - 20 to 40 mg a day. Also, the dose should vary depending on the issue you’re trying to manage and the intensity of your symptoms. If, for instance, you feel your symptoms worsening on a certain day, you may want to try increasing the dose and noting the effects. Is it possible to go overboard with CBD? According to studies assessing the safety of these supplements, even high doses of up to 1,500 mg a day haven’t triggered any serious effects. Nevertheless, when it comes to significantly higher doses, you shouldn’t make this decision without consulting a professional.

    CBD Health Benefits

    One of the most prominent and talked-about effects of CBD is its pain-relief benefits. According to a clinical reviewby K. P. Hill and colleagues, cannabis has been used for medical purposes and pain relief across the world as far back as 2900 B.C. The review states that the Chinese discovered the multiple beneficial effects of this plant, including the management of muscle spasms, joint pain, as well as serious conditions such as malaria and gout. CBD has also been found to play a significant role in the management of common conditions including arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, CBD has been shown to promote the production of neurotransmitters known as endocannabinoids. The optimal functioning of these neurotransmitters has been associated with a decrease in chronic pain and reduced inflammation.

    CBD has become an integral part of the skincare routine for many people, and not only when it comes to topical application. Due to its anti-inflammatory activity and effect on sebum production, CBD is used in acne management. The anti-inflammatory potential of CBD lies in its management of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which have been recognized as acne-inducing agents.

    When talking about common mood issues such as anxiety and depression, you’ll often encounter people managing these conditions with pharmaceutical drugs. Even though in certain cases this approach is necessary, certain natural alternatives with fewer side effects could be a better solution. CBD has shown great potential when it comes to managing both anxiety and depressive moods, as well as sleep-related issues such as insomnia. The reason behind the mood-elevating effect of CBD could be its effect on brain receptors for serotonin which is in charge of social behavior and mood in general.

    While on the topic of CBD and its stress-relieving properties, it is important to mention that CBD has also been found to lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation related to cardiovascular conditions. In addition, CBD treatment has been found to combat oxidative stress due to its antioxidant activity, managing heart damage.

    There is also evidence of the great potential of CBD in addiction management. According to Medical News Today, CBD has a strong effect on the activity of a brain area involved in addiction, called amygdala. The mentioned area is responsible for cravings addiction stems from, and treatment with CBD appears to aid in inhibiting them, as well as addiction-related anxiety.

    CBD in Combination with Other Supplements

    As we’ve already established, it is in the right company that supplements get to release their full potential and allow their benefits to proliferate. Why settle with only one supplement, when in suitable combinations, supplements can reach their maximum? The key to a successful supplement combination is in selecting products that can synergize in a way that acts to your advantage.

    Basically, when it comes to combining CBD with other supplements, you could split your focus between strengthening its benefits and making up for what it lacks. For instance, cartilage structure and strength isn’t an area CBD has been found to improve. However, by combining it with a supplement such as collagen protein, you’re supporting the repair process, while managing the pain with CBD. Let’s take a look at some powerful CBD duos and trios you should not miss out on.

    CBD and Ashwagandha (KSM-66)

    In case you struggle with stress management on a day-to-day basis, this is the combination you should look into. What triggers stress in the first place? Of course, stress is a completely individual notion, and everyone perceives it differently. However, on a biological level, the process is identical for everyone, and the issue lies in the production of a hormone - cortisol. Cortisol levels, as well as stress in general, affect our functioning on numerous levels, including the immune system, digestion, heart rate, airways, brain functions, and blood pressure. While cortisol is a hormone alerting us of possible danger, its excessive production does significantly affect the quality of life and social relationships.

    Ashwagandha is one of the most popular natural supplements directly affecting the levels of cortisol. According to a placebo-controlled study, with regular use, ashwagandha could lower the levels of the stress hormone and aid in long-term cortisol management, which is one of the main prerequisites for stress control. As we’ve already mentioned, CBD has also been found to alleviate stress and aid in mood management, hence the recommendation for pairing up these two powerful products.

    CBD and L-Theanine

    The root of many anxiety disorders seems to be in the excessive reaction of the nervous system, also known as the fight-or-flight response. As we’ve already established, this kind of reaction is our survival instinct and it is completely justified in certain situations. However, problems occur with the hypersensitivity of the nervous system which may lead to chronic anxiety.

    CBD seems to have a calming effect on the nervous system thanks to its influence on the neurotransmitter GABA, which is one of the main factors in the functioning of the nervous system. However, in cases of panic attacks or anxiety episodes, relaxing the nervous system isn’t enough, as it is the brain that needs this kind of attention, as well. The amino acid L-theanine resembles the neurotransmitter glutamate, largely responsible for brain stimulation. By “posing” as glutamate, L-theanine is essentially limiting its activity in the brain and stopping it from reaching certain receptors that would trigger or increase anxiety.

    CBD, Curcumin, and Boswellia

    The common ground between these three supplements is inflammation, and by joining forces they can even take on bigger challenges such as chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is a long-term, persistent condition, whereas acute (short-term) inflammation occurs in shorter periods. CBD has demonstrated great potential in both categories of conditions, but when combined with curcumin and Boswellia Serrata, the anti-inflammatory activity is much stronger.

    In addition to enhancing the anti-inflammatory activity of CBD, curcumin and Boswellia have been found to inhibit the activity of the main enzymes behind the production of inflammatory compounds, COX and 5-LOX. Therefore, each of the elements in this supplement trio has a significant role in inflammation management, either at its very root by controlling the enzymes, or later on in its manifestation.

    CBD and St. John’s Wort

    The two main factors when it comes to depression management seem to be inflammation in the brain and serotonin levels. The anti-inflammatory power of CBD has been shown to successfully lower the levels of neuroinflammation, while St. John’s Wort is known for its effect on serotonin levels. Namely, St. John’s Wort can aid in the preservation of serotonin in the brain, blocking its breakdown.

    By targeting the two main issues in depressive moods, chances are that depression can indeed be managed naturally. Nevertheless, depression isn’t something that should be pushed under the rug, as it tends to prevail. Therefore, in addition to your natural supplementation, a consultation with a professional is always advised.

    CBD, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin Sulphate

    When it comes to joint pain and chronic conditions such as arthritis, CBD can be very effective in alleviating symptoms and easing inflammation. However, the underlying cause in these conditions that requires special attention is the degradation of the cartilage which protects the joints and bones. With cartilage damage, inflammation worsens, as well as the painful, often debilitating symptoms.

    In addition to CBD easing symptoms, the role of glucosamine and chondroitin is to aid in joint structure repair. In addition to repairing the very structure of the cartilage, these supplements also stimulate the production of synovial fluid. Therefore, as a team, these three supplements cover all the areas in the management of joint disorders.

    CBD and Collagen

    And while on the topic of the structure and strength of joints, bones, and cartilage, we cannot avoid talking about collagen - the prevalent bodily protein. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, also known as the glue holding the body together. Besides the mentioned areas, collagen is also very much present in the skin, tendons, and ligaments. Therefore, its role in the normal functioning of pretty much the entire human body is of utmost importance.

    In the case of joint, bone, or skin damage, or even chronic conditions, CBD and collagen make a perfect match. With CBD, you’ll be able to manage pain and inflammation which is a normal bodily response in these situations. On the other hand, collagen supplementation allows you to make up for the depleted collagen and preserve and/or regain structural stability.

    What’s more, a study conducted by N. M. Kogan and colleagues suggests that cannabinoids may aid the body in its natural collagen production. Namely, CBD has been shown to promote the healing of bones and skin tissue by increasing collagen levels and supporting its natural manufacturing process in the body.

    In case you’re unsure of the best way to implement the CBD & Collagen combo into your everyday routine, we suggest you try the benefit-packed CBD & Collagen bulletproof coffeefor an extra kick in the morning! And in case you prefer your kombucha shots over coffee to start the day, try our gut-healing gelatin-infused kombucha with a sprinkle of CBD.


    Even though nutrition planning may seem exhausting and too time-consuming, staying on top of your supplementation is easier than you may think. Think about the areas and issues you want to target, and simply create beneficial combinations that meet your requirements. While it would be perfectly okay to simply implement a CBD supplement without thinking about combinations, you’re more likely to notice a significant improvement when allowing the benefits to proliferate in the right environment. Interested in more all-natural, non-GMO dietary supplements? Check out our online store.

    Article Summary

    • CBD remains a mysterious, but undoubtedly popular and beneficial supplement
    • Although CBD and THC come from the same plant (Cannabis), CBD does not have psychoactive effects
    • CBD is available in numerous forms, but bioavailability is what makes the real difference in how effective it is
    • The health benefits of CBD include: pain relief, skin health, and better mood
    • CBD health and beauty benefits tend to work best in combination with specific supplements like collagen
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    Article References:

    1. Office of the Commissioner. (2019). FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products: Q&A. Retrieved from U.S. Food and Drug Administration website:
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    3. Grinspoon, P. (2018, August 24). Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t - Harvard Health Blog. Retrieved from Harvard Health Blog website:
    4. Dietary Supplements and CBD Oil: All You Need to Know from Vitamin A to Zinc | CBD Oil Review. (2015). Retrieved January 21, 2020, from CBD Oil Review website:
    5. CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take? (n.d.). Retrieved from Healthline website:
    6. Hill, K. P., Palastro, M. D., Johnson, B., & Ditre, J. W. (2017). Cannabis and Pain: A Clinical Review. Cannabis and cannabinoid research, 2(1), 96–104.
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