February 28, 2020 10 min read

In this article

    • Omega-3 + Vitamin C = Protect Your Skin
    • Omega-3 + Collagen = Improve Mobility & Recovery
    • Omega-3 + Glutathione = Boost Your Immune System
    • Omega 3 + Vitamins E, D, B = Optimize Your Brain Health
    • Omega-3 + Curcumin = Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Duo
    • Omega-3 + Folic Acid = Improve Your Mental Health

    When it comes to supplements, the more the merriercannot be considered a rule of thumb, as there are certain negative interactions you’ll want to avoid. Similar to when you’re planning a gathering, there’s a certain group of people you wouldn’t want to sit at the same table with? Well, let’s say that some supplements have too big of an ego, and you want to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation.

    On the other hand, when paired up, certain supplements seem to bring the best out of each other, maximizing each other’s potential and boosting desirable effects. Therefore, it is always recommended to look into potentially beneficial connections of supplements and “profit” from them, instead of modestly relying on a single supplement. In today’s article, we’re exploring the numerous fruitful alliances involving all-natural Vegan Omega-3.

    Omega-3 + Vitamin C = Protect Your Skin

    What would you consider an essential in your skincare routine? If your answer doesn’t involve nutrition - you may want to reconsider. While proper skincare certainly does include topical products, neglecting nutritional requirements may lead to numerous issues - and not just when it comes to the appearance of your skin. Let’s see how combining high-quality Vegan Omega-3 and Liposomal Vitamin C can benefit the overall state of the skin.

    Liposomal Vitamin C

    According to a study on vitamin C and skin health, antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin C are pivotal in skin health - considering the exposure of skin to damaging factors such as UV light, chemicals, and high concentrations of oxygen. What’s more, nutritional factors play a significant role in the inflammatory response, as well as the synthesis of the epidermal barrier.

    The effects of omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) on skin quality and health are multiple. First and foremost, these fats have been shown to actively participate in photoprotection from the damaging Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) effects, providing an additional protective layer and modulating the inflammatory response. Furthermore, supplementing with all-natural omega-3s has been found to promote fatty acid content in the skin, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in the structure of cell membranes.

    While omega-3 fatty acids aid in the management of UVB-induced inflammation and immunosuppression, a study on essential fatty acids and skin health states that antioxidant levels appear to be a prevalent factor in the photoprotective capability of omega-3s. Therefore, not only do both Omega-3 and Vitamin C offer their own set of skin benefits, but we could also conclude that one of the main skin benefits of omega-3 largely depends on antioxidant activity.

    The collagen composition in skin is one of the main prerequisites for healthy, protected skin, as collagen is its main structural component. Therefore, a decline of collagen levels in the skin, such as the one caused by UVR, has been associated with skin aging. Given that omega-3 supplementation has been found to hinder UV-induced MMP-1 expression in dermal fibroblasts, there is a valuable connection between omega-3 fatty acids and the reduction of UVR-induced collagen damage in the skin. This is yet another one of the crucial connections between omega-3 and vitamin C in skin health, as vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis.

    The most important role of Vitamin C in skin health concerns its skin protective activity in cases of UV-induced damage caused by damaging molecules - free radicals. Also, as we’ve mentioned, collagen hydroxylationis a vital process necessary for extracellular stability and structure of the epidermis, and it cannot happen without vitamin C.

    Omega-3 + Collagen = Improve Mobility & Recovery

    It is no surprise that athletes rely on all-natural supplementation when it comes to enriching their nutrition, boosting their performance, and aiding the recovery process. Even if you’re not a professional athlete, but struggling with inflammation, soreness, or issues concerning connective tissues and muscles, you’re bound to benefit from the powerful mix of Vegan Omega-3 fatty acids and all-natural Hydrolyzed Collagen supplementation.

    Collagen Nutrition

    According to a study conducted by K. E. Black and colleagues, muscle soreness is generally linked to inflammation or structural damage, such as muscle and/or connective tissue damage, which can be managed with proper supplementation. What’s more, the same study suggests that a proper selection of nutritional supplementation may lead to an improvement in physical performance via both physiological and psychological mechanisms.

    Omega-3 supplementation including a balanced ratio of EPA and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) has been found to aid in the management of inflammation by reducing pro-inflammatory hormones. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which is crucial when it comes to post-exercise DNA damage. What’s more, a study on adding omega-3 fatty acids to a protein-based supplement suggests that supplementing with omega-3 for a consecutive 21 days resulted in increased neuromuscular development in participants.

    Besides discussing the benefits of omega-3 supplements for physically active people, the aforementioned study focused on the benefits of combining omega-3s with a protein-based drink. Their research entailed adding 1546 mg of a non-GMO omega-3 supplement to a protein-based drink over a period of 5 weeks, and resulted in reduced muscle soreness and fatigue in participants. The authors of the study go on to conclude that consuming the combination of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and a beverage containing pure protein, such as collagen, twice a day may reduce muscle soreness by preserving the structural integrity of muscle cells.

    Reduce Muscle Soreness

    Omega-3 has actually been officially recommended as an ergogenic aid for athletes, which only speaks in favor of its efficiency. According to a study conducted by J. D. Philpott et al, n-3 PUFA supplementation exerts anti-inflammatory properties, while also participating in the modification of the functional capacity of muscle cells by managing the membrane fluidity of proteins and lipids. Furthermore, omega-3s have also been linked to reduced oxygen cost of exercise and promoted recovery process.

    On the other hand, the other part of this duo, collagen protein, brings a whole lot to the table, too. A study focused on the effects of collagen peptides on muscle damage, inflammation and bone turnover following exercise suggests that Collagen Peptides supplementation has been shown to ease the symptoms of joint and muscle issues, such as osteoarthritis.

    Furthermore, supplementing with collagen has been linked to decreased muscle soreness and improved overall post-exercise recovery, which is a direct link between omega-3 and collagen supplementation. One of the possible explanations for beneficial effects of collagen supplementation on recovery in physically active individuals is an increase of collagen synthesis in connective tissues surrounding the muscle. What’s more, fat-free collagen supplementation has been shown to promote microcirculation, enhancing muscle growth and supporting lean muscle building.  

    Omega-3 + Glutathione = Boost Your Immunity

    The alliance of algae-sourced Omega-3 fatty acids and the Master Antioxidant Glutathione (GSH) is highly beneficial for our immune system. According to a study conducted by T. E. Sorto-Gomez and colleagues, n-3 PUFAs exhibit strong anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antioxidant properties, therefore contributing to the antioxidant function of glutathione. While n-3 PUFAs have been associated with immunomodulation and antioxidant activity, glutathione is recognized as one of the main pillars of the endogenous antioxidant defense system.

    Liposomal Glutathione

    A study conducted by A. R. Patten et al. further confirmed a strong connection between omega-3 supplementation and glutathione levels. Namely, omega-3 supplements have been found to increase GSH levels in the brain, both in healthy individuals, and those suffering from a brain condition. Furthermore, the same study suggests that consistent supplementing with quality omega-3 fatty acids has resulted in significant improvement in GSH levels even after long deficit periods. In addition to promoting glutathione content, omega-3s have also been shown to combat oxidative stress responsible for glutathione depletion in the first place.

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    When it comes to cognitive functions, omega-3 fatty acids seem to play a remarkable role in the regulation of the neuronal activity, a decline of which is associated with cognitive impairment. On the other hand, the most powerful bodily antioxidant, glutathione, is critical for the reduction of oxidative stress, metabolic detoxification, redox balance, as well as immune system regulation, a study by D. M. Minich suggests. Therefore, supplementing with Reduced Liposomal Glutathione has been found to promote overall health by promoting the bodily defense system.

    An in-depth review of nutrients for glutathione support included a study in which participants took 4000 mg of omega-3 supplementation for 12 weeks daily. The experiment resulted in the improvement of the GSH-creatine ratio and reduced symptoms of depression in affected individuals. Furthermore, the same research states that consistent supplementation with omega-3s has led to an increase in glutathione content, as well as a reduction in inflammatory markers, due to improved antioxidant capacity.

    Omega 3 + Vitamins E, D, B = Optimize Your Brain Health

    Optimize Brain Health

    A study on the effect of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E on oxidative stress highlights their synergic capability of reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, when combined with omega-3s, vitamin E has been shown to improve insulin metabolism, while promoting the protein kinase in muscles. What’s more, yet another study supports the beneficial connotation of the omega-3 and vitamin E alliance. Namely, combining these two supplements has led to pronounced antioxidant properties, especially in brain tissue. In addition, their combination has been shown to decrease levels of inflammation and oxidative stress in endothelial cells.

    It is a well-known fact that omega-3 fatty acids are largely concentrated in the brain, and they’re also known for their neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. On the other hand, vitamin D is a strong neuroactive steroid crucial for brain development and mature function, a study by M. Infante and colleagues finds. According to this study, both omega-3s and vitamin D have been found to play a significant role in reducing neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, while upregulating glutathione. Furthermore, administering these two supplements jointly appears to be far more effective than consuming them individually, especially when it comes to oxidative stress and inflammatory parameters.

    As far as beneficial effects of vitamin B in conjunction with all-natural omega-3 are concerned, a studyconducted by A. Oulhaj and colleagues provides strong evidence about the codependence between the two. Namely, participants of this study with a low baseline of omega-3 fatty acids did not benefit from vitamin B supplementation. Therefore, combining these two supplements seems to be a requirement for vitamin B benefits to be released. Furthermore, vitamin B has been shown to support the formation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) enriched in omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for the process of transport of omega-3s into the brain.

    Omega-3 + Curcumin = A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Duo


    A study on the synergistic anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin and omega-3s combined facilitates the undeniable connection between the two when it comes to anti-inflammatory effects. According to this study, curcumin and n-3 PUFAs appear to limit the production of inflammatory mediators, while reducing gene expression - all thanks to their anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. In addition, the study suggests that these two supplements combined could be used when managing neuroinflammatory conditions such as migraines.

    Omega-3 + Folic Acid = Improve Your Mental Health

    Finally, combining the use of a folic acid supplement and non-GMO omega-3 supplementation appears to relieve the symptoms of chronic mild stress due to antioxidant effects. Both folic acid and omega-3s have been found to exert antidepressant and antioxidative properties in depressive-like behavior, hence their importance for optimized mental health.

    While Vegan Omega-3 supplementation is a force to be reckoned with even with no allies, pairing it up with adequate supplements seems to multiply some of its major benefits and enhance its highly beneficial effects. For more fat-free supplements, make sure to visit our online store.

    Article References:

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