January 17, 2019 11 min read

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    When you’re trying to lose weight, you want to make sure you’re getting maximum results from the effort. It’s not easy to shed pounds, especially in the winter months when many of us want to “Netflix & Chillax”for the next 4 months. Please say I’m not alone?! One of the biggest concerns people who are trying to lose weight or maintain their weight confront is “What if I’m not doing it right”, or “What if it doesn’t work? “While it is important to be gentle with yourself and take your weight loss journey one step at a time, it is understandable that you also want to make certain that you’re doing everything that’s in your power to reach your ideal weight safely & efficiently.

    Today, we will discuss a global phenomenon in nutrition and dieting, Weight Watchers, joining forces with Marine Collagen supplement from wild-caught cod, as a game-changing strategy against excess weight. Including appropriate all-natural supplementation can boost your health, while aiding the weight loss process, which is the best approach to any diet regime.

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    Why has Weight Watchers had so much success?

    Being one of the most popular, not to mention successful diets for Americans in the last several decades is the Weight Watchers program. Weight Watchers has been dominating the healthy side of diet culture and the nutrition universe for more than 50 years! In case you didn’t know, this program has been around for a while. In fact, Weight Watchers dates back to 1963! No wonder celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Ferguson have decided to give it a shot. But, what is it that makes this diet so popular and effective?

    The Weight Watchers programutilizes a unique, carefully developed system known as SmartPoints. According to this system, foods are labeled with a different number of points, about their calories, as well as sugar, protein, and fat content. Taking the participant’s goals, health state, as well as excess weight into consideration, they are assigned a certain amount of daily points, which is practically a daily limit they should not exceed.

    What is particularly appealing about this system is that there are no “blacklisted” foods; you’re allowed to include just about anything in your daily menu, as long as you keep track of the daily points. The point is in the number of SmartPoints assigned to a certain food: healthier foods, especially protein, will have fewer points, while you’ll probably use up the majority of your daily points if you reach for a snack such as chips.

    The Weight Watchers Program

    According to HealthLine.com, there are also foods that contain “zero points”, making them much easier to track. This category includes eggs and meat, as well as many other high-protein, low-calorie foods - hence the recommendation of a highly bioavailable protein source,Wild-Caught Marine Collagen.

    Not only is the Weight Watchers program a scientifically-backed diet program, but there are also studies confirming its efficiency in significant permanent, and healthy weight loss sustained over long periods.

    Yo-yo diets, be gone! A randomized controlled trial found that overweight individuals who chose the Weight Watchers program over diets recommended in regular counseling lost twice as much weight. Yet another study on the efficacy of commercial weight loss programs suggests that the Weight Watchers system truly is dominant to some other types of weight loss counseling.

    So, where do non-GMO Marine Collagen Peptides come into play? Well, even during such a flexible diet as Weight Watchers, you’ll want to make sure you stay on track by not exceeding the daily points limit according to your personal plan, but also not going to bed feeling hungry. In addition, your health (and not the number on the scale) should be a priority — in which collagen plays an inevitably significant role — offering beauty & health without the extra calories.

    Why add Marine Collagen to your Weight Watchers plan?

    Collagen is the most abundant, naturally produced protein in humans. It is one of the major bodily components, especially when it comes to connective tissues in muscles, tendons, and ligaments according to Molecular Cell Biology. In addition, collagen has been known to protect the skin as it is largely present in its structure, hence its widely recognized anti-aging activity. According to a study on oral supplementation, collagen plays a vital role in skin elasticity and moisture, helping to make it more plump, youthful, and hydrated.

    Collagen for Skin Health

    Furthermore, collagen has been found to strengthen the bones, which is particularly important for physically active individuals when it comes to avoiding or recovering from a sports-related injury. What’s unfortunate about the overall impressive collagen statistics is that our natural collagen production rate significantly drops as we age, a study conducted by James Varani et al. suggests.

    In order to get all the benefits from collagen while following a Weight Watchers diet, quality collagen supplementation as an addition to your healthy nutrition is highly recommended. In fact, collagen has been promoted within Weight Watchers groups for several years.

    So, why Premium Marine Collagen powder? Marine sources of collagen are the most sustainable and eco-friendly sources of collagen, given that collagen peptides are derived from either the scales or skin of the fish, which are conventionally just thrown away. What’s more, according to a study on marine collagen origin, it is rich in type 1 collagen, which is the most abundant type of protein found in the skin and is of specific importance in maintaining the skin’s elasticity as we lose weight.

    Finally, fish collagen peptides offer the smallest particle size as compared to bovine and porcine sources. For this reason, their small particle size means that they offer higher absorption in humans than other sources. In this sense, Marine Collagen can be considered the Rolls Royce of collagen supplements, a study by Ramasamy Sripriya et al. suggests.

    1. Stay full longer and reduce the appetite

    Protein is proven to be one of the most satiating nutrients next to fat, which can keep you feeling fuller for longer periods between meals, a study on the satiating power of protein finds. Indeed, protein takes longer to break down in the body, which in turn, causes the feeling of satiation to linger.

    Therefore, we’re less likely to over-eat or indulge in diet crashers if we include an adequate amount of protein in our diet. A lack of protein in our diet may often lead to overeating, Christopher Morrison, Ph.D. concludes, which is something to be avoided by all means, especially while on the Weight Watchers program and trying to sustainably lose weight.

    Amandean’s Wild-Caught Marine Collagen is an ideal source of protein since it is a fat-free, sugar-free, soy-free, gluten-free, and a non-GMO superfood containing a single clean ingredient - 100% wild-caught cod sustainably fished from the North Atlantic ocean. If you’re following a Weight Watchers plan, there’s no need to worry about your SmartPoints with this one!

    Satiating Effect of Collagen

    In fact, one clinical study confirmed that collagen is 40% more satiating than other popular protein supplements (such as whey), given that you’re likely to remain satiated for longer while taking it. In addition, a study by Rubio I. and colleagues showed that hydrolyzed collagen triggers the release of satiating hormones, thus acting as an appetite suppressant.

    As a result of creating a feeling of fullness and decreasing the appetite, collagen may have a significant impact on weight loss.

    2. Build lean muscle and boost your metabolism

    As we’ve already established, collagen is a structural protein largely present in muscles, so it’s no wonder that it plays a significant role when it comes to lean muscle mass enhancement. A study on collagen peptide supplementation confirmed that collagen supplementation, especially in combination with resistance training, may increase muscle mass, as well as muscle strength.

    When it comes to our metabolism, collagen can help us maintain and build lean muscle so that our metabolism remains healthy and fast. As our metabolism speeds up, we also burn more fat! Researchers at McMaster University found that participants who had a high protein intake lost more body fat, as opposed to the low-protein group. Namely, the high-protein group lost 10.5 pounds, while the other group lost 8 pounds over one month.

    3. Maintain a healthy gut

    The connection between your Weight Watchers journey and a healthy gut may not be an obvious one, but it is certainly of utmost importance. First, without proper digestion, no diet is comfortable and effective in the long term. Who wants to be on a diet that makes them gassy or crampy?! Not me.

    In addition, various studies, including one on gut microbiota’s effect on mental health emphasize the prominent role of gut health in our mental health, as the gut is the communication center between the brain and the body. Digestive issues may cause havoc on the brain signals and functions, such as the feeling of hunger and motivation, which are essential when it comes to a diet program such as Weight Watchers.

    According to HealthLine.com, collagen is largely present in the protective lining of our digestive tract, helping to preserve its health and protecting the gut against inflammation. Furthermore, a study on the role of collagen in inflammatory bowel disease found that individuals diagnosed with this condition had lower levels of collagen.

    Therefore, hydrolyzed Marine Collagen Peptides supplement may aid the normal functioning of the digestive tract and healthy digestion, which is the basis of proper nutrition and weight loss.

    4. Get the most out of your workout and avoid injury

    While on your Weight Watchers diet or maintenance program, physical activity is highly encouraged. Not only will you reach your goals faster and shape your body the way you want to, but working out is also one of the staples of vitality and good health in the long term, not just when you’re trying to shed the holiday pounds. What’s the role of collagen here? Well, the addition of Premium Anti-Aging Marine Collagen in your nutrition can certainly be an important factor in many aspects of fitness.

    Wild-Caught Marine Collagen

    Vigorous workouts such as long-distance running or heavy weight lifting, as effective as they are, certainly do take a toll on our bodies. The body’s way of responding to these challenges is manifested in the form of inflammation, which can be a rather painful consequence. A study on the anti-inflammatory effects of collagen found that collagen speeds up the recovery process when it comes to damaged and inflamed muscle tissues, easing the symptoms of inflammation and protecting the muscle structure.

    Joints are a particularly sensitive area, especially when it comes to running, and they are often affected by severe inflammation when overused and as we age. A 24-week study focused on the role of collagen supplementation in athletes confirmed that collagen hydrolysate may promote joint health while easing the symptoms of discomfort.

    When it comes to recovery, everyone knows just how important sleep is. Our body must rest, and our cells to regenerate. In addition, energy comes from quality sleep, and there’s nothing that can replace it as one of the dominant factors in the recovery process. According to a neurological study by Makoto Bannai and colleagues, glycine, an abundant amino acid present in non-GMO Marine Peptides powder, was shown to increase sleepiness and fatigue.

    Finally, Wild-Caught Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen is an easy-to-use, convenient product that will not complicate your Weight Watchers routine. It’s one of the best additions to sustainable and healthy weight loss while following this program. It is a flavorless, and odorless formula that will not alter the taste or smell of your beverages and meals.

    It’s easy to incorporate into your daily diet and Amandean’s unflavored, soluble formula makes it simple to use in your coffee, juice, smoothie, and even cooking recipes. Add a scoop and be on your way. For more all-natural, premium-quality supplements, make sure to check out our online store.

    Article References:

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