December 16, 2020 10 min read
For many of us, keeping ourselves and our loved ones healthy is far more important than the latest tech gadgets, Christmas sweaters, or even carving the turkey (although most of us really wouldn’t want to miss out on that one).
Here are our favorite product pairings for the holiday season to support mind & body from the inside out.
Unlike many other nutrients our bodies are able to manufacture from scratch, vitamin C is surprisingly not one of them! Not in humans at least. Vit C is an essential vitamin - meaning that it must be obtained from dietary sources. When it comes to the importance of vitamin C, many of us are already familiar with this super vitamin, but we’ll highlight a few facts nonetheless. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is known for its strong antioxidant activity, as well as an irreplaceable role in the synthesis of collagen and some neurotransmitters. In fact if you take Vitamin C with a source of collagen, you’ll supercharge collagen production in the body. Vitamin C is also associated with multiple health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health and skin health.
As opposed to vitamin C, glutathione is produced naturally in our bodies. It’s manufactured from amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid in the liver. Due to its powerful antioxidant activity, glutathione is also known as the master antioxidant with numerous important roles in human health. Glutathione is the key factor in vital processes such as vitamin C and E regeneration, natural detoxification, DNA building, and liver functions.
An immunity boost is something we’re always looking for, especially during the winter season. Strong immunity can be achieved in a multitude of ways including consistent sleep, proper nutrition and by combining Vitamin C & Glutathione. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that supports immune defense by promoting cellular functions and protecting the body against pathogens. Even though the benefits of glutathione aren’t as commonly known as Vitamin C, this master antioxidant is an essential part of your immune defense kit. According to a study on glutathione and immune functions, balanced levels of glutathione in the lymphoid cells are necessary for the optimal functioning of our immune system. To put it more simply, if you get any kind of illness or virus, your glutathione levels will need a boost.
You might be wondering about the importance of antioxidant activity in the body. The primary role of these agents is to inhibit damaging byproducts known as free radicals, developed as a result of radiation, pollution, exposure to environmental toxins, or unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking. A healthy individual requires a balance of free radicals and antioxidants, and that’s where antioxidant supplements come into play. Vitamin C is an antioxidant protecting our cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Together, glutathione and vitamin C are a powerful antioxidant couple - an essential pairing when it comes to managing oxidative stress and detoxing the body at a cellular level.
Optimal levels of vitamin C are essential for a healthy liver. A study conducted by M. G. Traber and colleagues emphasize the importance of high vitamin C intake in gut-liver functions and antioxidant status. On the other hand, glutathione’s detoxifying potential is of utmost importance due to its antioxidant activity. Glutathione in the form of a bioavailable supplement is even recommended in the process of giving up alcohol.
If a vitamin C serum is already a part of your skincare routine, you probably already know what the hype is about. I started including a vitamin C serum in my daily skincare routine in my mid twenties, but when I learned about the bioavailability of liposomal vitamin C , I added it to my routine as well. When it comes to any nutrient, some formulas are just too big to penetrate the skin, and even if they do - higher levels are necessary to see the best results. Aside from supporting natural collagen synthesis, vitamin C is also known for its protective properties against UV-induced damage. Glutathione, on the other hand, is a recognized natural skin-lightening agent, and can also help in managing hyperpigmentation.
Vitamin C is a vital antioxidant molecule in the brain and can also play a role in cognitive performance. Glutathione also supports cognitive health, and is responsible for cellular detoxification of brain cells. What’s more, compromised glutathione levels have been linked to cognitive impairment as we age. Thanks to its detoxifying and protective roles, boosting glutathione levels is associated with improved cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and concentration.
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An optimized skincare routine is important as we age, but it includes much more than cleansers, masks, and serums. Ask any dermatologist and they’ll tell you that skincare starts from within. For instance, as hydrated as you think your skin is, if you’re not drinking enough water - the consequences of dehydration will show on your face. Same goes for the over-consumption of booze. Similarly, since collagen accounts for 75-80% of the entire skin amount, it is safe to say that a deficiency in this protein will be visible. Yes, we are able to manufacture collagen on our own, but after the age of 25, natural production decreases and we need to find other ways of replenishing it.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and the predominant factor in the skin, as well as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. According to a study on graceful-aging strategies, even though topical skincare is recommended, it is necessary to fine tune our nutrition for lasting results. Supplementing with collagen peptides has been associated with reduced skin dryness and signs of aging, including wrinkles. In addition, collagen also promotes skin elasticity, hydration, and density. Supplementing with Marine Collagen has been shown to aid in the management of skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Why marine collagen? Well, one of the differences between marine and bovine collagen is that fish collagen contains a higher amount of the “anti-aging” amino acid glycine. Furthermore, marine collagen offers a higher bioavailability than collagen from cows due to a smaller particle size and the lowest molecular weight. What this means is that it's easily absorbed, and utilized by the body. Marine collagen is also extremely easy to use. In fact, if you’re always on the run, Marine Collagen Stick Packs might be the most convenient solution for you.
Even though collagen is manufactured naturally, there are some nutrients that help this production to occur. One of them is vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen synthesis and works to stabilize collagen molecules and provide structural strength. Collagen and vitamin C are truly a match made in heaven, since vitamin C also contributes to glowing skin alongside the skin benefits of collagen. Vitamin C also contains photoprotective properties, which help to minimize damage from sun exposure.
During winter months, we’re always looking for different ways to strengthen our immune response. A healthy gut with optimal levels of gut bacteria is one of the staples of strong immunity, and collagen also supports our digestive health. Since collagen is the main constituent of connective tissues, it’s present in the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract, and necessary for its normal functioning. On the other hand, vitamin C is one of the most important micronutrients when it comes to immune function. Supplementing with vitamin C has been associated with lower levels of oxidative stress, as well as a decreased risk of infections, including in the respiratory tract.
As we’ve already mentioned, collagen makes up more than half of our skin, and it is a dominant factor in every single aspect of skin health. Collagen levels influence skin health parameters, including skin elasticity, moisture, as well as hydration. In addition, collagen supplementation can improve typical signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles. In case you’re accustomed to botox treatments, you’ll be happy to learn that collagen supplementation can significantly prolong the effects.
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a ton of skin and health benefits. Even though their role in skin health may not be the first thing we think of, it is certainly one of the most valuable. Omega-3s are naturally present in the skin membrane, and they’re necessary for cell membrane structure. Moreover, omega-3 demonstrate potential in the management of skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis, while also aiding in wound healing. Supplementation combining EPA and DHA has been found to protect the skin against damaging UV rays. What’s more, a study conducted by S. M. Pilkington suggests that EPA and DHA can also help to manage skin redness after UVB exposure. In addition, thanks to their anti-inflammatory characteristics, omega-3 have been found to ease symptoms of skin inflammation.
Inflammation is the underlying cause of serious conditions - and not just when it comes to skin health. Inflammation can often affect our joints, especially if collagen levels are low. A study on collagen’s role in the treatment of joint disorders suggests that supplementing with collagen may lower joint inflammation and reduce the pain that accompanies it. Being that collagen is the main component of cartilage, the tissue that protects your joints from wear and tear, its role in joint health is vital.
Healthy joints equal improved mobility at any age, as well as better physical performance. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to inhibit an anti-inflammatory response, and decrease the intensity of painful symptoms such as joint tenderness and stiffness. Omega-3 is also recommended in the management of joint conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Collagen and omega-3 make a perfect duo when it comes to graceful aging skincare, resilient joints, and strong immunity.
If you’re ready to invest in your wellness journey and take your nutrition to the next level, try our holiday product pairings and start feeling and looking your best for the holidays and beyond. If you’re debating on what product you should start with, or have questions, get in touch with one of our product experts in between sipping on mulled wine and eating gingerbread cookies! :)
Happy Holidays. Stay Healthy.
Liposomal Vitamin C and Liposomal Glutathione offer multiple mutual benefits, including strong immunity, liver support, glowing skin, and improved cognitive functions.
Pairing Marine Collagen & Liposomal Vitamin C offers maximum skin rejuvenation benefits, graceful aging effects, and combined help to supercharge collagen production in your body.
Collagen Peptides & Vegan Omega-3 promotes healthy joints & bones, while promoting smooth, hydrated skin, and a strong immune system.
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