October 03, 2019 9 min read

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    Collagen water: yet another pointless fitness trend, or a wise strategy to stay hydrated while amping up your collagen levels?

    Well, it depends on how you look at it. Mixing collagen into your water might indeed be the most convenient way of getting your hit of all-natural Collagen Peptides, since water is something you will certainly not neglect in your everyday routine. It might even give you more incentive to stay hydrated knowing all the benefits that collagen adds!

    On the other hand, do you truly need to buy bottled collagen water, and is it really more efficient and convenient than, say, mixing up your own, customized collagen infusion? Keep on reading as we investigate the good, the bad, and the brilliant alternatives to the collagen water market, and why we side with the DIY version.

    Collagen Water - Is That Even a Thing?

    Yes, and it is available in all kinds of different flavors and aromas. By definition, collagen water consists of water, bioavailable Collagen Peptides powder, and usually a fruit extract which makes the beverage extra refreshing. While flavored water has been around for quite some time, you may not be familiar with the concept of collagen water - although the idea is pretty much the same.

    Refreshing water-based beverages containing fruit extracts and minerals are meant to elevate the “flavor” of plain water, making it more pleasing. In addition, the added minerals, vitamins, and in this case - collagen, enrich the water with valuable nutrients, while also contributing to the convenience. And while supplementing with needed nutrients may be a hassle, adding them into water is pretty much considered killing two birds with one stone - remaining hydrated while taking in the nutrients.

    So, let’s break down the concept of collagen water into main 3 segments simply by following the list of ingredients: the water, the collagen, and the additions.

    1. Water: The Importance of Staying Hydrated

    The Importance of Staying Hydrated

    Did you know that our bodies require water above any other necessities, including food and sleep? It’s no wonder that water is called the essence of life, because without it no bodily functions could ever be performed. There is literally no process in the body that could occur without water, including digestion, perspiration, nutrient transport, and even brain lubrication. In addition, the body consists of approximately 66% water, and the stats are even more impressive if we observe the in-depth structure: bones contain 22% water, muscles 76%, blood 83%, while our brains are 95% water!

    According to a study focused on the role of water in health, dehydration may result in fatigue and loss of motivation, as well as altered body temperature in physically active individuals, significantly affecting their activity level and overall performance. Furthermore, insufficient water intake has also been linked to increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue, as well as jeopardized memory function, a study by Ganio M. S. and colleagues shows.

    What’s more, taking in a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis has also been found to increase the metabolism rate, significantly aiding in the weight-loss process. A study conducted by Dennis E. A. et al. found that individuals who consumed half a liter of water prior to their meals managed to lose 44% more weight than the other group, over the course of 12 weeks. What could also be linked to weight loss, as well as many other processes in the body, is proper digestion, which requires a sufficient water intake, given that dehydration has been found to contribute to constipation.

    2. Collagen: The Glue Holding Our Body Together

    Collagen Nutrition

    And now we’ve come to the key ingredient of every collagen water infusion - the very collagen. While collagen may not need an introduction when it comes to the world of health and nutrition, it certainly deserves a moment to step back and highlight some of its prevalent benefits (the emphasis being on the word some,since naming all of collagen’s beneficial effects requires an entire dedicated article).

    Yes, collagen is the most abundant protein in humans (and mammals in general), which we are able to produce naturally. Therefore, realistically speaking, the necessity of collagen supplementation may be questioned. If we have something so abundant, and it can be manufactured by our own bodies, what do we need the supplementation for?

    Well, the bitter truth lies in the aging process, a topic that none of us are eager to face, but eventually have to. Nevertheless, the fact that natural collagen production decreases starting at the age of 25 cannot be denied, since it is scientifically-backed. Due to reduced synthesis of collagen in the body, it is of utmost importance to supplement with all-natural non-GMO collagen in order to make up for depleted collagen and support the natural collagen production. And before you start wondering why is collagen production a matter of “life or death” in nutrition, let’s jump into its most prominent benefits.

    One of collagen’s most remarkable roles is in skin health, which should not come as a surprise since collagen is the most important component in skin structure. As our skin ages, it gradually loses its hydration and elasticity, which is a direct consequence of collagen depletion. Therefore, in order to keep the skin plump and youthful, it is of utmost importance to increase collagen levels. In addition, a study on the beneficial effects of collagen supplementation on human skin physiologyhas shown beneficial effects of collagen supplementation when it comes to skin texture, moisture, hydration, and elasticity.

    Collagen for Skin Health

    And since collagen is the main structural protein present in joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones, it’s no wonder it plays a vital role in their metabolism and overall health. a study on the role of collagen supplements in joint disorders finds that increasing collagen levels significantly reduces painful symptoms of joint disorders, including one of the most common ones - osteoarthritis. Furthermore, research conducted by Schauss A. G. and colleagues states that the group supplementing with collagen experienced its pain-relieving effect which enabled them to engage in physical activity again.

    As far as bone healthis concerned, collagen has been found to preserve bone strength and composition, since it is largely present in their structure. Moreover, a studyby D. König et al. on the effect of all-natural collagen supplementation on bone density has found collagen to promote bone mineral density up to 7%. And for people suffering from sarcopenia or looking to improve muscle mass in general, collagen is an absolute must. Collagen Peptides supplementation has been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis, while also stimulating muscle growth, a randomized controlled trial conducted by D. Zdzieblik et al. finds.

    Collagen is also largely responsible for other segments of well-being, including digestive health, cognitive functions, weight maintenance, as well as the health of hair and nails.

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    3. The Additives

    While there are a bunch of options when it comes to additions to your collagen water, what you’ll mostly find in these pre-made infusions are fruity aromas, sweeteners, and sometimes even sugar, dairy, and gluten in traces. This could possibly be the first red flag when it comes to purchasing pre-made collagen water, since you cannot choose the ingredients of this beverage. And while these additional ingredients represent the most “suspicious” category, it may have dawned on you by now that you don’t get to choose the water or the type of collagen in your collagen water either, as you’re stuck with flavors or concoction of a specific brand, which are often more sweet than actually hydrating.

    What’s more, you’re paying quite a lot for a beverage you cannot customize and you could easily make at home, since collagen water ranges from about $4.50 to $10 per bottle! Now that we went over all the reasons why you should prioritize both hydration and collagen in your everyday nutrition, let’s see why is it better to make your own collagen water, and also how to do it yourself.

    Why Make Your Own Collagen Water?

    Well, as we’ve mentioned previously, consuming branded collagen water on a regular basis is a rather expensive habit, as healthy as it may be. Supplementing with collagen is not a once-in-a-while thing if you want to grab all the benefits and ensure that the levels are optimal. Therefore, if you want to be consistent with your collagen supplementation by consuming collagen water daily, you may want to switch to the homemade version (and save some money as well! We’ve all heard of the latte factor afterall).  

    Now, if you like to be in charge, you may not be too pleased with pre-made collagen water on the market. By taking matters into your own hands, you get to choose the water you use, the Collagen Peptides powder that meets your needs, as well as the extras that could really take your collagen water to the next level and add even more benefits to the mixture.

    To customize your unique collagen infusion, you could add different natural flavors, including freshly cut fruits and veggies such as lemon, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, and cucumber, all rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This way you’ll get to select the ingredients of your water, make sure you’re using organic ingredients if that’s your preference, and really tailor the collagen water to your liking. What’s more, you could also enrich your collagen water with other supplementation of your choice, including digestive aids, antioxidants, etc.

    Without further ado, here’s how you can make your own customized collagen infusion at home:

    Collagen Water Recipe:


    8 oz of water of your choice (it could be filtered water, or even sparkling water if you prefer the taste)

    2 scoopsgluten-free Collagen Peptides powder

    Seasonal fruits of your choice (our recommendation: ⅕ sliced cucumber, ⅕ sliced lemon, 1 cup sliced strawberries - but keep in mind that you should adjust the quantities to your liking)

    Any additional supplements you’d like to add (we also recommend a liquid Vitamin C!)

    Collagen Powder


    1. Add 2 scoops of the collagen powder into the water and stir until dissolved. Add as well any additional supplements of your choice).
    2. Now add the seasonal fruits of your choice and top it off with some ice.
    3. Your refreshing collagen water packed with benefits is now ready!

    In summary, knowing the complete ingredient list your collagen water will allow you to fully customize your collagen water and ensure you're only getting the best. You can also make this healthy habit more fun as you’ll get to play with different flavors and aromas to get the perfect combination, while also avoid spending money you don't need to. Now that’s what we call a win-win situation! Check out our selection of all-natural supplements in our online store.

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